New to swimming lessons?
For a new swimmer, or even a child confident in the water already, it's important to go over the basics first, learning proper swim technique thoroughly so that it isn't easily forgotten. This begins with safety in the water- Floatation without help is a key safety skill; then efficient leg kick technique is learnt; then arm action. 
Once the fundamental skills are learnt, the 4 strokes (front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly) can be learnt much quicker and without poor technique holding them back. Each stage breaks down the stroke into specifically related skills that will help develop their technique, with additional safety for open water and competitive swimming skills included. 
There are 3 levels to each stage that need to be 100% completed to a consistent high standard before moving up. Swimmers will automatically be taught the next stage without needing to be moved into a new class straight away.

Have a look at our stages below which details all skills learnt:

Little Splashers                                                                                                                   Adult and toddler programme ages 2-4

For toddlers and pre-schoolers learning to enjoy the water with their adult guardian helping them. Activities include lots of songs and games to practice safe entry, exits and jumps in, bubble blowing and breath control, floatation in star floats, travel with push and glides, kicking and paddling. Games lead approach to build coordination, balance and rotation while using floatation aids

Main outcomes include 

Independent travel with floats on front and back 

Face submerged in water for at least 3 seconds

Star floats on front and back

Push and glides on front and back

Kicking and paddling arms

Safe Entry & Exit



 1 Beginner Splasher 

 Main outcomes: Star floats  and Effective Leg Kick on front and back with faces in the water, using a noodle/floats.  

 Skills learnt: Swimmers begin to develop awareness of water safety and being comfortable with water around their head and face.  learning pool rules, safe entries and exits, putting faces in and opening eyes under water, aquatic breathing, streamlining on front and back, star floats on front and back and regaining an upright position.

Distance Needed: Travelling with effective straight leg kicking  for  5 metres on front and back with buoyancy aids, unassisted 

 2 Fledgling Splasher

Main outcomes: Effective leg kick on front and back without a noodle/ floatation aid and arm pulls with breathing .
Skills learnt: Starting to become independent from buoyancy aids, swimmers develop control in their body position, leg kick, arm pulls with  breathing and can do plenty of rotations vertically and horizontally.  streamlining on front and back, completely submerging to pick up sinkers, star floats on front and back, vertical & horizontal rotations      

 Distance needed: Travelling up to 5 metres on front and back all without Noodle/buoyancy aids 

 3 Rising Splasher

Main outcomes include; Front crawl arm technique breathing to the side, Breaststroke leg kick and backstroke arms.
Skills learnt: Swimmers continue to develop their body position with rotation, breathing to  the side, Fast leg kick, arm pulls and over the water recovery for front crawl.  They start learning an effective breast stroke leg Kick with turned out feet and gliding as well as backstroke with  straight arms .  Streamlining into horizontal or vertical rotations whilst travelling from front to back. Learning to be safe around water at the pool, beach, river  by learning the water safety code 

Distance needed: Travelling up to 10 metres in front crawl and backstroke

4 Star Splasher

Main outcomes: Effective Front crawl and Back Crawl .
Skills learnt: Swimmers refine the body position and leg kicks for Front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and dolphin/fly and further develop aquatic breathing, arm action and timing. They are introduced to  rotations while swimming and sculling for use in open bodies of water and synchro/ water polo 

Distance needed:  10-15 metres of front crawl and back crawl and  10-15 metres of all 4 leg kicks (flutter on front and back, breaststroke, dolphin)   All in streamline position. 

5 Super Splasher

Main outcomes: Effective Breaststroke and Butterfly

Skills learnt:  Swimmers continue to maintain the body position and powerful leg kicks, learn effective arms including the entry, catch, underwater power phase, exit and recovery with good timing  for all 4 swimming strokes. Trickle or explosive breathing is learnt  in order to be faster with stronger endurance. Competition techniques of somersaults, handstands, sculling and survival rescue skills are also learnt.

  Distance Needed:  15 metres of frontcrawl, backcrawl, breaststroke and butterfly with correct technique. 

6 Whipper Splasher

Main outcomes: Advanced swimming technique applied to all 4 strokes.  

Skills learnt: Swimmers start to master their technique, coordinating body position, legs, arms, aquatic breathing to the correct timing as well as strong propulsion catches and good rotation to a higher standard and longer distance than before. Competition technique for turns, starts and finishes .Further water safety skills and rescue with swimming in clothes for 25 metres.  Encouraging the  importance of exercise and fitness for a healthy lifestyle.

Distance needed:  complete at least 25 metres of all strokes to a high standard .